I good enough to go to heaven? Yes, I think I am. Only people like
murderers, child molesters,
rapists and lying politicians actually deserve to go to hell. Those are the
really bad people."
reasonable, right? But if that's the criteria by which we are
comparing our own actions to in order to determine if we are “good
enough” to go to heaven or “bad enough” to go to hell, then
most people should be heading for the pearly gates when they die,
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Image from planet-science.com |
for entrance to heaven (or hell) is not based on how we compare to
others or how we compare to the standards we set for ourselves. Your
life may look pretty good through your own eyes, but what if you
looked at your life through the eyes of One who is sinless? What if
we were judged not just by our actions, but by our thoughts? If
we're not going to be honest with ourselves and admit that our
actions alone would condemn us, then how about the thoughts that run
through our head. What about how that flash of judgment that crossed
your mind, ever so briefly, when you saw that grossly overweight
woman at Walmart dressed in those tight and revealing clothes, folds
of skin spilling out of ever strained edge of clothing? What about
the hate (and angry words) that rose within you when someone
righteously judged you of living in sin? What about those thoughts of
how you were going to get even with the one who just stabbed you in
the back at work? How about seeing someone attractive and
contemplating, just for a moment, what they looked like naked or
contemplating having sex with them if given the chance? Am I hitting
home yet? No? What about advertising the short comings of others in
order to make yourself look good? What about flaunting your “wealth”
in front of those who are surviving from paycheck to paycheck? What
about contemplating what new possession to purchase next instead of
figuring out how you can spend that money to help those in need?
That's just the tip of the iceberg. Unrighteous thoughts stream
through our mind on a daily basis. Can you honestly say that you are
in complete control of your thoughts and emotions? I didn't think so.
Our “goodness” when compared to God’s standard for “good”
falls far, far short.
biggest mistake we make is when we trivialize our sins. Have you ever
lied? We may say, “Yes, but they were little white lies,
nothing serious. I never intended to hurt anyone when I lied.” Have
you ever stolen something? We may say, “I've taken some
office supplies or shop supplies home from work, but no one's going
to miss them. Besides, I didn't have enough time to go shopping for
them myself. I live a very busy life.” Can you see what
we’re doing? We’re trivializing our crimes. What we’re saying
is that what we did was of so little consequence that we can’t
actually call them sins, but the bible warns, “He who says
he has no sin deceives himself.” (1John 1:8)
truth is if you've lied, then you are a liar. If I catch you in a
lie, wouldn't I be just in lowering my level of trust in you? If you
have stolen anything (the value of the stolen item is irrelevant),
you are a thief. If I was at work with you and caught you walking out
the door with company property, should I believe that you would never
steal something of greater importance or value if given the
opportunity? Maybe even steal from me? If you've looked at
someone with lust, then you are an adulterer. If you constantly
lusted after women, would I trust you to be around my wife when I
wasn't there (or would I even feel comfortable with you being around
here even if I was there)? These may seem like small
indiscretions, but they hold serious consequences, not just on a
human level, but even greater on a spiritual level.
we need to hear is the Judge’s ruling for lying and stealing and
adultery. The judgment is that those who commit those sins
shall "have their part in the lake which burns with fire
and brimstone." Revelation 21:8
all liars, thieves and adulterers go to hell. You may say that you
don’t believe in hell, but that’s just like a criminal saying
that he doesn’t believe he'll ever be caught, tried and sent to
prison. What we believe or don’t believe doesn’t change the
outcome of God’s judgment.
we are honest with ourselves, then we have to admit that we fall far
short of God’s perfection. So what do we do? What can we do to make
things right between us and God? Maybe church attendance or helping
out the less fortunate. After all, good works must count for
something, right? Maybe if the good things I do outweigh the bad,
that will get me to heaven. No! Some religions may offer this
destructive teaching, but nowhere in the bible does it state that we
can do anything of ourselves to rid ourselves of the consequences of
the sin in our life. Even ONE sin separates us from God. So what’s
to become of us?
must let go of our attempts to save ourselves and reach out to the
One who can save us. The moment we cease our own attempts to sneak
into heaven’s back gates and instead repent and believe in Jesus,
depending on Him to save us, our life changes. The bible says, “For
by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of
yourselves; it is the gift of God, not works, lest anyone
boast.” (Ephesians 2:8-9)
may still wonder how a perfect and loving God could send anyone to
hell. To put it plainly, He doesn’t. Sin entered the world through
Adam and Eve. They, in turn, passed this sin nature down through
their offspring, infecting everyone who would ever be born. God
created hell for Satan and the angels who rebelled against God. Hell
was never intended for mankind, but mankind fell, and that opened
them to eternal separation from God in hell because sin cannot enter
God's presence in heaven. Thankfully, God created a way of escape for
those who choose to repent and give their lives to Him. The Jewish
people brought their sin offerings to the Lord at the Temple of God
to be slain, the blood offered to temporarily cover their own sins.
God did something much more wonderful. He sent the Perfect Lamb to be
a sacrifice for us all. His shed blood didn't just cover our sin, His
blood eradicated them broke Satan's power over us.
who seek to have their sins covered in the precious blood of the Lamb
of God receive the gift He offers... the gift of forgiveness and of a
restored relationship with our Father as we go from spiritual death
to a total rebirth... a spiritual resurrection... being born again
and receiving the promise of eternal life with God.
those who surrender their lives to God and live for Him receive this
gift, but those who do not make that choice remain in their sinful
state and await the judgment that comes for all who die in their
sins. Many who hear about this gift don’t take the opportunity to
ask for it. They would rather complain and argue about why God would
let mankind sin in the first place or why He made a man who was
capable of sin, rather than stop, think and repent. Unfortunately,
they would rather keep arguing, using human knowledge and
understanding, making vain arguments all because they can't fathom
the things of God.
encouraged, because just as God has continued to call out to you to
repent, He continues to call everyone else who is unsaved, offering
them this free gift of salvation. Most will scoff at the offer or
outright refuse to hear anything about it. Will you be one of them or
will you heed the call of Jesus and finally take that step forward,
choosing Him and the eternal destiny He has for you? It’s your
choice whether to spend eternity with God. YOUR CHOICE! To do nothing
is to choose to stay the way you are.
who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is
condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the
only begotten Son of God.” John 3:18
published on June 3, 2010
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Repent and be forgiven! Believe and be saved!
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