- Do the symbols of Christmas reflect the birth or life of Jesus? (Evergreen tree, wreath, candles in windows, yule log, holly, mistletoe, etc...). I'm not talking about gaslighting these pagan symbols and giving them new meaning to obfuscate their original and continued use by pagans. I'm asking if any of these things were present in Israel at the time of Jesus' birth and if they were used to celebrate His birth.
- If they weren't originally used to celebrate His birth, then where did these symbols come from? What were their original meaning? Why is it not an issue that we've co-opted these symbols from pagans in order to worship God?
- Is there any scriptural or historical evidence that the early church chose one special day to celebrate the birth of Jesus?
- When was Christmas first celebrated, and what were the circumstances and reasoning surrounding it's creation?
- What were the original traditions of Christmas?
- Is Christmas a God ordained observance, like the High Holy Days in Judaism?
- Why does Jesus' birth seem to mean more to people on this day over all other days? Shouldn't we be celebrating the joy of His birth every day?
- What can I do for others on this day that I can't do for them any other day of the year?
- Why is it permissible to use pagan symbolism and traditions if we claim it in the name of Jesus? Does God have a history of recycling paganism in our worship or celebration of Him?
Saturday, December 17, 2022
Should We Continue Celebrating Christmas?
Friday, December 16, 2022
Tribulation Evangelism Verses The Rapture: Should I Stay Or Should I Go?
Tuesday, November 22, 2022
What's To Become Of The United States During The Tribulation?
- Large scale farming wouldn't be viable, so we can forget about food. Farmers will be hording their crops, and the surrounding population will raid farmers' fields for food.
- Hospitals wouldn't be able to help the sick, because they wouldn't be able to use the electrical medical equipment that was fried by the EMP.
- Pharmaceutical companies won't be operating, so the basic meds someone takes on a daily basis would quickly run out, which would mean that those seeking medical attention wouldn't have access to any type of modern medication. Can you imagine the death toll as a result of just the lack of medication??? Cancer meds, seizure meds, blood pressure meds, antibiotics, vaccines, psyche meds (anxiety, depression, schizophrenia, AHDH, etc...), angina meds, pain meds, asthma meds/inhalers, AIDS meds, migraine meds, etc...
- There wouldn't be weekly trash pick-ups, so trash would pile up and become a bio-hazard. How long do you think it will take YOUR neighborhood to start smelling like a garbage dump and looking like one as animals tear open the bags in a desperate attempt to survive.
- Water treatment plants would sit idle, while raw sewage overflows into our waterways, adversely affecting fresh and salt water sources.
- Water needs to be pumped into the water towers and treated, so we can forget about having any fresh water in our homes to drink, cook, or flush our toilet with. We'll be defecating in plastic bags or in a hole in our back yard. That will add to the amount of trash left on the streets. Imagine the odor and the spread of disease because of all this trash and fecal matter in the streets.
- What about the millions of people who will die on the streets or in their home from lack of medication or from starvation or dehydration? What's to become of them? Will the starving and sick actually take the time and effort to dispose of the bodies that fall to the ground, or will they be too weak or sick, leaving the bodies where they are, increasing the spreading of pestilence?
We keep trying to fight back, to take back some ground, but end-time prophecy won't be stopped. God will honor our efforts as long as they're in His perfect will, but those efforts will achieve only so much before we're taken out of the way and the full force of evil is allowed to be unleashed worldwide.
When this happens, the United States will fall. It will be taken out of the picture. Just as Jesus will rescue His bride from what's to come, He will also bring judgment upon this nation, once His bride has been removed from it. I'm sure there are many theories out there as to why the United States isn't included in biblical prophecy just as there are a myriad of theories of how the United States is going to meet it's fate.
As much as God has blessed this nation, we're rotting from within. The rich and powerful believe that they're untouchable, but God is no respecter of persons, and it doesn't matter how much money, power, or fame they have, they can't escape God's judgments. God has taken down kings and kingdoms before, and the United States is no different. They, and this country, are not exempt from God's wrath or judgments.
Sunday, November 20, 2022
A Good Reason Why We're Still Waiting For The Rapture: Digital Currency
No matter how bad things seemed to be at that moment, it was nothing compared to what it was going to be like when the Rapture actually happens. A world system had to be created before there could be any move towards a one world government or a one world monetary system. It doesn't have to be completely cohesive, but the pieces need to be there for the Antichrist to pull them all together. The one world religion will be an easy thing to perpetrate once the majority of born again believers are gone (I'm saying that the majority will be gone, because there will be new born again believers populating the planet after the Rapture.)
The Antichrist won't have time to build these new systems in every country of the world. There are a lot of time consuming and complicated issues in dealing with the switch to a digital monetary system, and a lot of the initial work needs to be accomplished beforehand, so the ground work needs to be laid and the majority of the work needs to be completed BEFORE the Antichrist shows up on the scene. When that acquaintance of mine from YouTube was so adamant that the Rapture was going to most likely take place in 2020 (although he claimed he wasn't date setting...), I just couldn't agree with him. There was so much that needed to be done before the Rapture because the Antichrist immediately appears on the scene. Like many in power say, "Never let a good crisis go to waste."
Now, how could the Antichrist make sure that no one would be able to buy or sell anything without his mark? It's not like those Rapture movies we grew up on. Sure, you won't be able to walk into a store and buy anything unless you have the mark, maybe, but I don't think people have considered the black market. There's a black market for everything in demand. So what's a demented despot to do?
The answer is digital currency. He would need to be sure that physical cash was taken out of the hands of the populace and replaced with digital currency that could be tracked and controlled. On November 20, 2022 The Federal Reserve Bank of NY and a group of banks announced that they'll be perform a 12-week trial to test out a digital dollar. Yep, and it won't be built like Bitcoin. The Federal Reserve will be in charge of the whole shebang. As I said, the groundwork needs to be laid so the Antichrist can access and control established economic and governmental systems. The United States isn't the only country experimenting with digital currency, either. According to data from the Atlantic Council, an American think tank in the field of international affairs, as of this date and time, there are around 105 countries across the globe that are exploring digital currencies. Several countries have already converted to 100% digital currency. So, as you can see, we're well on our way to a one world economic system.
I told a co-worker a few months back, when all this digital currency talk was getting serious, that if the government ever switched over to digital currency, they'd be able to not only see where all of our money was going, but they'd also be able to lock us out of our bank accounts at a whim. She brushed it off as a conspiracy theory, saying that the government would never be allowed to do that. What can you say after getting that kind of response? I just shook my head and went on with my work.
Here's the thing. When you're using physical cash, no one knows what you're spending your money on, unless you're using it with a store courtesy card or something else that links you to the cash you're spending. So you go to the store, spend your cash, and no one's the wiser on what you purchased. With digital currency, all of your purchases will be recorded, which means that systems can be put in place to flag your account when you're using your digital currency for "unapproved" purchases. What do I mean by that?
Here are a few scenarios:
Example #3: You want to purchase a firearm and some ammo? Survival gear? At the register, your digital currency is rejected and you immediately get a text from the Federal Reserve that you can't use your digital currency for that purchase because your social media score red flags you as a possible threat. They'll most likely block all further attempts to purchase these items until your social media account comes under review in 6-12 months. Maybe.
- First it was optional. They waited to see how many people would just line up and take the jab. The same will be true of the conversion to digital currency. They'll wait to see how many voluntarily make the switch.
- When they got a large part of the population jabbed, they resorted to bribing those who had still not taken the jab. College tuition, gift cards, a car, a jab lottery, free fries, etc... They'll most likely do the same with the switch to digital currency. "Convert to digital currency and get an additional $100 in your account! Convert to digital currency and automatically be entered into a $10,000 lottery!"
- Then, when the herd instinct and bribery wasn't enough, they tried shaming the unjabbed into submitting, by pitting the jabbed against the unjabbed, claiming the unjabbed were driving the variations that were killing grandma and that we were never going to get through the pandemic unless everyone got jabbed. The jabbed developed a sense of social superiority over the unjabbed, and many of them had no issues with sharing their distaste for anyone refusing the jab. It'll be the same for digital currency. "We're never going to get rid of this runaway inflation, this recession, unless everyone converts to digital currency! We're spending millions on printing money and creating coinage. It's a waste of money and it's killing us economically. Why can't you just follow everyone else who's fighting to get this economy fixed! If you don't want to convert to digital currency, then you've become part of the problem and that's unacceptable and fascist!" Those paying in cash at the register will feel the glares of those who have already made the switch just like the masked received the judgmental stares of those who walked around double masked.
- Then, when social shame wasn't enough, the threats started. People were told to get the jab, or they would lose their livelihood. It was a "choice," but what it really was, was intimidation... it was coercion. "Do what we say, or lose everything." Suddenly, "My body, my choice" was no longer relevant. The same will hold true for digital currency. We'll be given a "choice." "Convert to digital currency, or your bills don't get paid." If the jab compliance is any indication, the majority of the nation will have already switched over to digital currency by this time. The Federal Reserve will say, "Every cash business, including property owners, will be switched over to cashless payments as of such-and-such a date, so cash will no longer be accepted as payment after that date. Want to pay your rent? Make a car payment? Buy groceries? Buy fuel? Pay your utility bills? Go to any store? Pay for car repairs? Keep your cell phone on? If you want to spend any money, you'll need to convert your cash to digital currency, or you won't be able to buy or sell anything, because we will be a cashless society as of such-and-such a date."